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Thursday, September 24, 2009

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Mesothelioma Center

Welcome To The Mesothelioma Center

For many decades asbestos exposure has been known to cause asbestosis, lung cancer

, and mesothelioma cancer. However, a battery of scientific studies linking asbestos to an assortment of other cancers and illnesses has failed to be addressed within the community of asbestos awareness.

asbestos cancer
A number of various cancers have been linked to asbestos, including gastrointestinal and colon cancer.

Through extensive research efforts, the Mesothelioma Center has gathered comprehensive information from a multitude of clinical studies that have observed a link between asbestos exposure and a range of serious diseases.

Please take a moment to visit our new asbestos cancer section, featuring scientific and clinically based information on a variety of cancers and diseases that may share a causal relationship with asbestos exposure.

Hazardous Jobsites: Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure

Despite growing numbers of asbestos-related illness among those who have never worked with asbestos, the majority of people diagnosed with an asbestos-induced disease received exposure in an occupational setting. This is largely due to the likelihood of repeated exposures, as well as elevated levels of exposure, that occur throughout a range of occupations , industries, and jobsites.

occupational asbestos exposure
Numerous occupations, ranging from electricians to firefighters, share a history of asbestos exposure.

Some jobsites are widely known to be occupational sources of asbestos exposure , such as asbestos mines, processing plants, and manufacturing plants where asbestos products are produced. But a variety of other jobsites, ranging from shipyards to chemical and power plants to oil refineries, also bear a history of asbestos exposure.

If you think you've been exposed to asbestos and have developed mesothelioma you can visit our mesothelioma lawyer section for more information on how you can receive compensation.

Asbestos Cancer

Over the course of the past century, millions of people have unknowingly been exposed to asbestos , a class of fibrous minerals known to cause a variety of cancers.

Often referred to as "asbestos cancer," mesothelioma is the most common form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure .


Mesothelioma cancer specifically targets the body's mesothelial cells.
Mesothelioma is a rare, aggressive cancer that develops in the mesothelial cells that line many organs and body cavities. The cancer typically attacks the thin lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart, known as the mesothelium? . Each year an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of malignant mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States.

Types of Mesothelioma

  • Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma, comprising approximately 75 percent of all mesothelioma cases. This type develops in the lining of the lungs, called the pleura.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma develops in the abdomen’s peritoneum, a layer that covers the abdominal cavity and surrounds abdominal organs.
  • Pericardial mesothelioma develops in the pericardium, a membrane that surrounds the heart and provides protection and support to this organ.
  • Testicular mesothelioma , the rarest form of mesothelioma, develops in the lining surrounding the testicle, called the tunica vaginalis.


The symptoms of mesothelioma typically arise 20 to 50 years after initial exposure to asbestos occurs. The commonality of the symptoms, which, in the case of pleural mesothelioma, often resemble less-serious conditions such as influenza, can make mesothelioma very difficult to diagnose. Symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Persistent coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweats or fever
  • Unexplained weight loss

Mesothelioma patients and their loved ones often wish to gather as much information about mesothelioma as possible after diagnosis. offers a comprehensive packet containing all the information from this Web site and additional literature to help patients and their families fully understand their diagnosis. To receive this complimentary packet overnight, click here or call 800-615-2270.


In most cases, a patient is not diagnosed with mesothelioma until the cancer has progressed to later stages of development because of the long latency period associated with the disease. Once a doctor suspects that a patient may have mesothelioma, one or more diagnostic tests are typically ordered. These tests include medical imaging tests such as X-rays , CT and MRI scans and biopsy procedures that test fluid samples and tissue for the presence of cancerous cells. Diagnostic tests also reveal the cancer’s progression and whether it has spread to other parts of the body.

Treatment and Cure

Though no known cure currently exists for mesothelioma, many patients elect to undergo treatment to make living with the cancer more comfortable. Treatment options for mesothelioma may include:

Patients may also elect to be part of a clinical trial , a study conducted to test up-and-coming treatment options and medications. Clinical trials are often explored by mesothelioma patients who qualify for various studies and wish to participate in an effort to help medical professionals search for a mesothelioma cure.


Mesothelioma is primarily caused by asbestos exposure. Though the exact way asbestos causes mesothelioma is currently being researched, medical professionals have a number of theories:

    Asbestos Cancer Diagram
    Once asbestos is inhaled it can lodge itself within the body's organs causing cells to mutate and become cancerous.
  • Asbestos causes irritation and inflammation of mesothelial cells, which results in irreversible scarring, cellular damage, and eventually cancer.
  • Asbestos fibers enter cells and disrupt the function of cellular structures that are essential for normal cell division, causing cellular changes that lead to cancer.
  • Asbestos causes the production of free radicals. These molecules damage DNA, and cause cells to mutate and become cancerous.
  • The presence of asbestos causes cells to produce oncoproteins. These molecules cause mesothelial cells to ignore normal cellular division restraints, and this can lead to the development of cancer.

Other Asbestos-Related Cancers

Though mesothelioma may be the most commonly-associated cancer with asbestos exposure, the presence of asbestos fibers in the body can cause a number of other, very serious and life-threatening cancers, such as lung cancer (see below), gastrointestinal cancer and colorectal cancer. Please see Gastrointestinal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer for information about these diseases.

According to the National Cancer Institute, asbestos exposure can also increase one's risk of developing kidney, throat, esophagus and gallbladder cancer. In addition to these cancers, asbestos has also been linked to breast , ovarian , and prostate cancer , as well as leukemia and lymphomas .

Lung Cancer

Aside from mesothelioma, lung cancer is the most common form of cancer associated with asbestos exposure.
Another dangerous cancer caused by asbestos exposure is lung cancer , of which there are two types: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer . The latter is the most common type, accounting for nearly 80 percent of known cases. The identification of lung cancer is determined by the appearance of cancer cells under a microscope from a tissue sample.

Symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • Coughing and chest pain
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Change in sputum volume or color
  • Presence of blood in sputum
  • Weight loss, tiredness and headaches

As with the development of mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos, lung cancer symptoms appear many years after initial exposure to the hazardous mineral. Anyone who suspects they may have been exposed to asbestos and are experiencing any symptoms of lung cancer should seek the advice of a medical physician.

Associated Risk Factors

Relative Risk of Dying of Lung Cancer for Smoking and Non-Smoking Asbestos Workers.
As with exposure to many carcinogens, the risk of developing cancer is influenced by a number of factors relating to exposure. First, the amount of asbestos to which a person is exposed is an important factor. Evidence shows the likelihood of developing serious asbestos-related disease compounds as the number of asbestos fibers in the body increase.

Additionally, the duration of exposure may also play a role in the risk of developing cancer? .

The Next Step

Those who believe they may have been exposed to asbestos at any time should consult a physician for a medical examination. Cancers caused by asbestos exposure may not present symptoms for many years or even decades after initial exposure, by which time it may be too late to seek curative treatments? . In addition to contacting a medical professional, exploring legal options with the assistance of an asbestos lawyer may result in compensation from companies that knowingly manufactured asbestos-contaminated products. offers an informational packet on top doctors, treatments and legal options available to mesothelioma patients and their families. Click here to receive a complimentary packet overnight with additional information about asbestos-related cancers and financial assistance. Our patient and family advocates are also available to answer questions and offer guidance at no charge at 800-615-2270.



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mesothelioma Lawyers

Get the most from your case

Call 1-619-599-3112 and learn how to:

* Identify reputable mesothelioma law firms
* Ask the right questions when interviewing attorneys
* Avoid mistakes and pitfalls made by others
* Accurately estimate how much time & effort it will take on your part

Information provided by Michael Horwin, MA, JD*, Founder of Cancer Monthly and Surviving Mesothelioma. If you are ready to hire a lawyer, please see recommendations at bottom of this page.
Mesothelioma Lawyers - Important Information for Patients

By Michael Horwin, MA, JD*

Deciding to pursue legal recourse and selecting an attorney to represent you in a mesothelioma or asbestos lawsuit are important decisions that should be made carefully. I have seen some families receive $500,000 and others be awarded nearly $30 million. I have seen some lawyers reject a case only to have another firm accept it and make a big success of it. And I have seen some families wait nearly three years to receive their first check while others received large checks within three months of filing a claim. The main reasons for these differences are the facts of the patient's situation and the law firm chosen.

The Facts of Your Situation

Some mesothelioma patients know they worked around asbestos, but many do not know how they were exposed or how often. In fact, many people are not sure if they were ever near this carcinogen. Unfortunately, there have been thousands of products that contained asbestos - cigarette filters, hair dryers, brakes, basement and roof materials, pipes, boilers, insulation, and many other products found throughout the home and at work. If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma it is more than likely that you were exposed to asbestos multiple times in your life and that this happened decades before your diagnosis.

In general, the value of your case depends on how many asbestos containing products you were exposed to, the number of identifiable defendants that still exist (many have declared bankruptcy), your age and earning capacity. And the speed of your case can depend on a number of variables including the state where you worked and lived when you were exposed to asbestos.

The Law Firm You Choose

When you have been given the news about this terrible disease, you may not feel that you have the time to deal with the legal questions - Should I talk to a lawyer? Should I file a claim? However, you should not wait too long to learn about your legal rights for at least three reasons:

1. Statutes of Limitations - There are statute of limitations which means you only have a limited time to file your case after diagnosis. The statute of limitations time period is set by individual states and varies. The clock usually starts ticking on the day of diagnosis.

2. Financial Pressure - A mesothelioma diagnosis can bring financial stress, less income, more expenses, and treatments that are not covered by insurance. Knowing that money may be on the way from filing a claim can bring financial relief.

3. Lawyers Can be Excellent Resources - The more experienced mesothelioma lawyers and law firms can often be excellent sources of information about various doctors and treatment options available for this disease.

But, picking a lawyer is serious business and you should not use TV ads as the reason to hire an attorney. Actual credentials are what counts. For example, what type of accomplishments has the law firm achieved? How committed are they to mesothelioma/asbestos cases? Are these cases a substantial part of their practice or just a small piece? How many other cases like yours have they handled?

Also, make sure you understand the fees being charges. Contingency is the term that means that the lawyer gets paid only after they collect money for you. The amount of the contingency fee that your lawyer can charge varies and is usually between 33% and 40%. It is important to discuss fees openly, ask what services they cover, how they are calculated, and whether there will be any extra charges.

Finally, for something as important as a mesothelioma lawsuit, your attorney should not only be experienced, skilled, and dedicated, but also a trusted partner who understands that your health needs always take precedence. The best lawyers are those that are not only expert at what they do, but are also caring, supportive, thoughtful and compassionate.

Below are two mesothelioma law firms that have impressed us with their accomplishments, successes and testimonials. If you are in another state, call us at 1-619-599-3112 and we can share with you the names of reputable mesothelioma law firms in your region.
New York and New Jersey
Levy Phillips & Konigsberg LLP ("LPK")
If you or someone you know has mesothelioma and has ever lived (or performed any work) in NY or NJ, call LPK for a free consultation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (1-800-637-6529) or visit their website. LPK has over three decades of experience, including many top mesothelioma jury awards in NY and NJ.

Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania or Tennessee
The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos, P.C.
If you or someone you know has mesothelioma and has ever lived or performed work in Md., De., D.C., Pa. or Tn. please call or email the The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos, P.C. for a free consultation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1-800-556- 5522, The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos, P.C. has specialized in asbestos litigation since the early 1980's.

* Michael Horwin, MA, JD does not provide legal advice, only general information and the provision of such general information does not create an attorney-client relationship with Michael Horwin.

Yahoo Domain

Yahoo! Domain Redirect Setting

Each Yahoo! store currently has multiple URLs to get to identical pages (for example,, These URLs serve different purposes for your store. If you search for your store using a search engine, you may see these different URLs appearing in the result pages. This may be a problem because the relevancy rankings are spread out among those URLs, whereas you may want to optimize the relevancy rankings to just one URL. This can also be a problem if the pages are viewed as duplicate content (two or more pages with identical content), which can lead to these pages being dropped from a search engine index.

The Domain Redirect Setting feature allows you to select a domain or hostname to which to permanently* redirect (301) all Yahoo! generated URLs. By default, all Yahoo! Store accounts will be set to "none" meaning no URLs will be redirected. By default, all Merchant Solutions stores will be set to redirect to the where your domain represents the domain you selected at signup or upgrade to Yahoo! Merchant Solutions. You can choose to redirect all Yahoo!-generated URLs to any hostname or domain name listed on the Domain Management page or even to not redirect any URLs.

You can also choose to redirect all hostnames and domain to your selected domain so your non-www address ( points for example to your www domain ( This setting also redirects your index page (for example to your selected redirect setting (for example This allows you to have one url (also known as a canonical url) rather than multiple so search engine relevancy factors will accrue to one url rather than being spread out across multiple urls.

* The redirect is "permanent" according to the W3C status codes as the requested URL is designated by the server as "permanently moved" as opposed to found—temporarily moved (302). You can select a new redirect setting whenever you like. The setting itself is not permanent.

How will this affect my search ranking?

If you did not have a domain redirect setting previously, adding one may improve your search rankings if search engines were penalizing your site for duplicate content (multiple pages with identical content served from different URLs). Using a domain redirect will permanently redirect (301) visitors (or search engine crawlers) to any duplicate URLs to only one URL.

To select a Yahoo! Domain Redirect Setting:

1. Sign in to your account.
2. Click the "Store Manager" link.
3. Click the "Domain Names" link (You may need to enter your security key to access this page).
4. Select the Domain or Host name to which you wish to redirect from the menu appearing under Yahoo! Domain Redirect Setting (see A figure 1). Note: If you have a domain registered outside of Yahoo! which you wish to use for the domain redirect, you will need to add a hostname first.
5. Select the checkbox to redirect all hostnames (recommended but optional--see B figure 1).
6. Click the "Set Redirect" button. (A confirmation page appears showing the redirect setting you selected.)
7. Do one of the following:
* Click "Go to Store Manager" if finished or…
* Click "Return to Domain Name Management" if you wish to change your setting.

Figure 1: Domain Name Management page showing redirect setting

If you own a domain registered outside of Yahoo!

If you own a domain for your store registered outside of Yahoo!, you will need to add your domain to the hostnames list. Once your domain appears in the hostname list, it will also be available for selection in the domain redirect setting drop down list. If your domain is registered through Yahoo! then your domain should automatically appear in the list.

To add a domain redirect for a domain registered outside of Yahoo!:

1. Ensure you have a CNAME set up from your domain to Yahoo! such as IN CNAME

2. From the Store Manager, click Domain Names in the Site Settings column.
3. Click the "Add" link under Hostnames.
4. Enter your domain name in the field and click Next.
5. Confirm your ownership of the domain by typing "This is my domain" in the field provided at the bottom of the page and click Next.
6. Review the information about setting a CNAME at your registrar and click Next again.
7. View the Hostname you are creating and click Done.
8. Click OK.

You will see your hostname listed in the Hostnames section and your hostname will now also appear in the Domain Redirect Setting drop-down list. You can then select that hostname as your default domain redirect setting.